Why Joint Injection With Fluoroscopy Is The Reprieve In Dallas, TX

Oct 06, 2022
Why Joint Injection With Fluoroscopy Is The Reprieve In Dallas, TX
Joint injection with fluoroscopy: A fluoroscopic guided injection involves injecting medicine that contains a small amount of local anesthetic and corticosteroid directly into the joint under fluoroscopic guidance.

Joint Injection with Fluoroscopy in Dallas, TX

Joint Injection with Fluoroscopy in Dallas, TX

Joint Injection with Fluoroscopy in Dallas, TX

Joint injection with fluoroscopy: A fluoroscopic guided injection involves injecting medicine that contains a small amount of local anesthetic and corticosteroid directly into the joint under fluoroscopic guidance.

A joint injection is a minimally invasive procedure whereby a medication that includes corticosteroid and anesthetic is used to temporarily relieve joint pain. A joint injection can also help to diagnose the source of pain.

Why do I need fluoroscopy?

It is a medical imaging procedure that uses pulses of an X-ray beam to show the internal organs, bones, and tissues of the body in real-time on a computer screen. It is a video display of the internal organs, bones, and tissues in the body.

Fluoroscope is used for two main purposes. It is used for diagnostic purposes and to guide certain treatment procedures including joint injections, surgeries, and catheter placements.