Health Problems Every Senior Should Know About

Jul 24, 2024
Health Problems Every Senior Should Know About
Heading into your golden years should be a liberating time of life filled with adventure and possibilities. Don’t let these common age-related health problems slow you down.

You can’t escape aging, but you can avoid many ailments that tend to go hand-in-hand with getting older. Dallas, Texas, offers a vibrant lifestyle for active seniors, so don’t let chronic illness keep you from enjoying your golden years.

Dr. Asif Aziz at Prestige Primary Care, P.A. wants you to stay active and healthy at every age and stage of your life. That means knowing the top 10 conditions often associated with aging and how to sidestep and/or treat them.

1. Heart disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among older adults, so it’s important to monitor your blood pressure and cholesterol levels and maintain a healthy diet. 

Regular exercise and not smoking also reduce your risk.

2. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis weakens your bones, making them fragile and more likely to break. 

To strengthen your bones, get plenty of calcium and vitamin D and add weight-bearing exercises to your workouts.

3. Arthritis

Arthritis is often synonymous with aging because it creeps in after years of wear-and-tear. If you have the classic symptoms of pain and inflammation in your joints, Dr. Aziz can help. 

We offer physical therapy and medication and help you make lifestyle changes to manage your symptoms.

4. Diabetes

Diabetes affects how your body processes blood sugar. If you’ve got this increasingly prevalent problem, you need regular check-ups with Dr. Aziz and a commitment to diligent self-monitoring of your blood sugar levels. You can prevent and manage diabetes best by following a healthy diet and performing regular exercise.

5. Vision and hearing loss

Few people make it through life with perfect vision and hearing. However, you can avoid major problems by scheduling regular eye and ear exams to detect age-related conditions early.  

6. Cognitive decline

Conditions like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease can affect memory and cognitive function. To prevent brain fog and cognitive decline, do daily mental activities, stay socially active, and follow a healthy diet.

7. Depression and anxiety

Seniors often experience depression and anxiety due to chronic illness, loss of loved ones, or isolation. Dr. Aziz can recommend excellent mental health care professionals in the area to help you overcome these common issues. You can do your part by staying connected with family and friends and learning to recognize the signs of mental illness.

8. Respiratory diseases

Chronic respiratory diseases such as COPD and asthma are common in older adults, and smoking is a major culprit. If you smoke — quit. Beyond that, stay active and avoid asthma triggers like secondhand smoke, overexertion, and allergens.

9. Influenza and pneumonia

Seniors are at higher risk for infections like the flu and pneumonia. Dr. Aziz recommends annual flu and pneumonia vaccinations to protect against these illnesses.

10. Balance issues and falls

Falls are a leading cause of injury among seniors, but it doesn’t have to happen to you. Once again, regular exercise comes into play because staying fit improves strength and balance. Also, don’t tempt fate — ensure your home is free of hazards like loose rugs and cluttered rooms. And if you need an assistive device, use it.  

If you’ve already experienced one or more of these age-related conditions, call us. Dr. Aziz offers state-of-the-art primary care for chronic and acute conditions from our office in Dallas, and he also makes house calls whether you’re in a private residence, nursing home, or hospital. 

Don’t let age-related health problems rob you of the joy of your golden years. Call Prestige Primary Care, P.A., or book an appointment online.